Executive dysfunction as mediator variable between electronic gaming addiction and Alexithymia among university students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychological and Educational Sciences - Faculty of Specific Education - Ain Shams University


The current study aimed at identifying the mediating role of executive dysfunction in the relationship between addiction to electronic games and Alexithymia. The study sample consisted of (160) university students, chosen from students of the Faculties of Education and Humanities Studies, Islamic Law at King Khalid University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and their average ages Time frame (19,66) years, and the study used a number of tools represented in, the scale of Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS); researcher Arabization), electronic games addiction scale (researcher preparation), Perth questionnaire of Alexithymia (Preece Preparation, 2017; The Arabization of the researcher), the results of the study resulted in: (1) a positive correlation statistically significant between electronic gaming addiction and executive dysfunction, (2) a positive correlational relationship statistically significant between executive dysfunction and Alexithymia, (3) electronic gaming addiction In predicting the executive dysfunction of university students, (4) The executive dysfunction contributes to the prediction of the Alexithymia of the university students, (5) There are indicative paths of executive dysfunction with The addiction of electronic games and Alexithymia, but as an intermediate variable but as a modified variable in the relationship. In light of this, the results were discussed and some research proposals and recommendations were drawn


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