The Big Five Factors of Personality and Its Relationship to the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Anxiety among University Youth

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education – Minia University


The aim of the current study was to identify the nature of the correlation between the big five factors of personality and the novel coronavirus anxiety among a sample of (388) university students in Minia University at an average age of (19.87) years old, and SD (1.23). The researcher used the list of the big five factors of personality (prepared by Costa & McCrae, 1992, & translated by Al-Ansari, 1997), in addition to a researcher-made scale for the novel coronavirus anxiety. Findings of the study revealed that the factor of conscientiousness is the most prevalent among the big five factors of personality among the university youth, as well as there is a positive correlation at level (0.01) between the neuroticism factor and the novel coronavirus anxiety. Whereas, there is no correlation between the other factor and the novel coronavirus anxiety. In addition, there is a statistically significant differences at level (0.01) between the mean scores obtained by males and females on the factors of neuroticism and extraversion and on the scale of the novel coronavirus anxiety in favor of females; while, there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores obtained by males and females on the other factors . Likewise, there is no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of rural residents and urban residents on the big five factors of personality and on the novel coronavirus anxiety. It was also found that neuroticism contributes significantly to predicting the novel coronavirus anxiety among university youth


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