Designing a flipped classroom Environment Based on the Learning Dimensions Model and its Impact on Developing Skills of Using Virtual Tours and Digital Citizenship for Education Technology Students

Document Type : Original Article


department of educational technology, faculty of specific educational,Benha university, benha, Egypt


            The aim of the current research is to design a flipped classroom environment based on the learning dimensions model of Marzano and investigate its impact in developing skills of using virtual tours and digital citizenship among educational technology students. Teaching technology at the Faculty of Specific Education, Banha University, and they are (63) male and female students, divided into two groups (experimental and controlling), and the researchers used the research tools that they represent in (achievement test, note card) for the skills of using virtual tours (digital citizenship scale), These tools were previously applied to students in both groups, After performing experimental treatment using the inverted separation environment based on the learning dimensions model of Marzano, the research tools were applied dimensional to the students, and the research hypotheses were verified and the results were extracted, which reached: The presence of statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements among the experimental group students in favor of the post measurement A statistically significant difference between the students of the two groups (experimental and control) in the post measurement of (achievement test - observation card - digital citizenship scale) for the benefit of the experimental group, as the results of the researcher were interpreted and some recommendations were presented in light of those results, and some future research was suggested in The current search results light.


Main Subjects

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