The Effectiveness of Using Environmental Digital Stories in Teaching Social Studies to Develop Awareness and Environmental Behavior among Third Grade Primary School Students

Document Type : Original Article


Education faculty, helwan university, curricula and methodology department


The study aimed to identify the Effectiveness of using Environmental Digital Stories in Teaching Social Studies to Develop Awareness and Environmental Behavior among Fourth-grade students, and the study group consisted of (60) students from the Misr Language School , where they were divided into two groups (Control - experimental), and the study tools were represented in the Environmental Behavioral Attitudes Test and the Environmental Awareness Scale, and the results of the research resulted in a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group students and the experimental group students in the post-application of the Aesthetic Test Attitudes and Behavioral Environmental, and a measure of environmental awareness for the benefit of the group students experimental, due to the use of Environmental Digital Stories, and the presence of correlation positive relationship between the Environmental Awareness of the students of the fourth grade, and conduct Environmental in favor of the post application, and in the end, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and proposals in the light of the results of the study.


Main Subjects

ثانیاً : المراجع الأجنبیة .
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