Mental Toughness and its relation with Academic Motivation & Coping styles with stress for a sample from Helwan University students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mental Health,Faculty of Education, Helwan University


Researcher aimed to detect the relationship between Mental Toughness both Academic Motivation & Coping styles for a sample consisted of (348) student from Helwan Universit, differences between average scores of the Helwan University   Students in Mental Toughness that are attributable to Gender (Male - Female), that Are attributable to Academic specialization (Literary– Scientific), Result: There Are statically significant relationship between Mental Toughness both Academic Motivation & Coping styles, There are statistically significant differences between Averages score of the Helwan university students in Mental Toughness are attributable To Gender (Male-Female), There are statistically significant differences between Averages score of the Helwan university students in Mental Toughness are attributable To Academic specialization (Literary– Scientific), this result confirms the importance  Of developing Mental Toughness of   university students


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