The Effect of a Proposed Program Based on Animated films to Develop English Majors’ Non-verbal Skills in Light of the Communicative Approach

Document Type : Original Article


* Demonstrator at the department of curriculum and instruction, Ain Shams University.


The current research aimed at investigating the effect of a proposed program based on animated films to develop third-year English majors' non-verbal speaking skills namely, eye-contact, body language, facial expressions and gestures. The participants of the research are a group of thirty students who are third-year English majors, Education section, faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University. A non-verbal speaking skills' pre-posttest and a non-verbal speaking rubric to evaluate the non-verbal speaking skills of the third-year English majors were designed and approved by a jury of specialists in TEFL, as well as specialists in linguistics who are teaching EFL English majors. The treatment lasted for one semester, approximately two months and a half, and followed a quasi-experimental design in which the researcher employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The instruments of the current research included a list of the non-verbal speaking skills and its sub-skills, a rubric for measuring the non-verbal speaking skills, a pre-post speaking test and the proposed program based on animated films. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the results of the pre and posttest in favor of the posttest, which candidly indicates the effectiveness of the suggested treatment. The proposed program based on animated films showed a large effect size of (0.83) and effectiveness ratio of 1.23 which prove the positive impact on developing English majors’ overall non-verbal skills, as well as the sub-skills.


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