A Suggested Program for Developing the English Writing Skills of Secondary Stage Students and Reducing their Apprehension in the Light of Writing as a Process Approach and Using Electronic Learning

Document Type : Original Article


Secondary school instructor in Behiera Governate


The present study aimed at investigating the effect of a suggested program  for developing the English writing skills of secondary stage students and reducing their apprehension in the light of writing as a process approach and using electronic learning. Thirty first year EFL secondary school students from El Mahmoudia Secondary School for Boys, El Mahmoudia Administration, Behiera Governate, were randomly chosen to represent the study group. The study group received training through an e learning writing  program in the academic 2017 -2018 . A pre-post writing  test was administered to the study group in addition to a writing apprehension test .
 The results of the study supported the two study hypotheses
There is a statistically significant difference at 0.01 level between the mean scores of the experimental group students in the pre-and post-application of the writing skills  test in favor of the post test. Consequently, hypothesis two is supported and then there will be a significant difference at level (0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental group students in the pre-and post-application of writing apprehension test in favor of post-application of writing apprehension test.
It was concluded that the suggested program showed effectiveness in using the suggested Program for :-
1-developing the English writing Skills of secondary stage students
2-Rreducing their apprehension.


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