A proposed framework for Developing Geography Curricula in the General Secondary Education in the light of Educational Requirements of 2063 the African Agenda

Document Type : Original Article



2063 - African agenda includes many ambitions and goals emphasizing the importance of achieving African unity among the countries of the continent to support economic integration and achieve security and stability. To achieve these goals and aspirations, well developed curricula are considered the main source to prepare a generation of young people who can compete with regional and global entities, who have an awareness of the vision and goals of 2063 African agenda, and who are qualified scientifically and morally. This study aims to present a proposed framework for developing geography curricula for the general secondary education in the light of educational requirements related to the goals of the 2063 African Agenda. The descriptiveanalytical approach has been used. The study tools included developing a list of geographical concepts, skills, and values in light of the objectives of 2063 African agenda, preparing a content analysis sheet to determine the extent to which secondary school geography curricula comply with educational requirements related to 2063 African agenda’s goals. Based on the study results which indicated the absence of most of the educational requirements related to the goals of 2063 African agenda, the researcher developed a proposed framework for developing secondary school geography curricula. Therefore, it is recommended that these requirements should be included.


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