Type and Presenting Time of Embedded Questions in Interactive Video lectures in an E-learning Environment and their Interaction Effect on Instructional Technology Students' Cognitive Achievement, Technology Acceptance level and their perceptions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructional Technology and Information Dept., faculty of women, Ain shams university

2 Instructional Technology Dept., Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum university


Integrating embedded questions into interactive video lectures is one of the key elements of interactivity in learning. The current research investigates designing embedded questions by developing two types of embedded questions closed and open-ended questions and presenting them (while- watching - at the end of watching) at a web-based environment, and investigating their interaction effect on students' achievement, technology acceptance and perceptions. A combination of educational research methods were applied including the descriptive method, systems development method, the experimental method, and the qualitative research method. The (2×2) factorial design was applied on a sample of (71) students in the second year, Instructional Technology dept. Faculty of Special Education, ..  They were randomly divided into four experimental groups. The e-learning environment was developed in light of Mohammed Khamis's (2007) ISD model and design standards. Research tools consisted of an achievement test, a technology acceptance scale, and an open-ended questionnaire for  perceptions. The results showed the effectiveness of embedded questions in achievement and the high level of  technology acceptance. The analysis of students' responses showed that most students have positive perceptions towards interactive video lectures and most students preferred closed questions while-watching. Conducting more research on the design variables of embedded questions in interactive video lectures and associate them to other variables such as viewing time, analysis of viewing strategies and interaction with interactive content  was recommended.


Main Subjects

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