Mindfulness Training Program for Self- control development And its effect on reducing mind wandering among university students

Document Type : Original Article



The research aimed to verify the effectiveness of a training program based on Mindfulness to develop self-control and its effect on reducing mind wandering among university students. The main sample of the study consisted of (36) male and female students from the Faculty of Education University of Beni Suef, and the research tools included a self-control scale ( Prepared by: the researcher), the mind wandering questionnaire (prepared by: Elfiel, Helmy,2018), and the training program based on Mindfulness: (prepared by: the researcher), and the results of the research found that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-measurement of the scale Self-control and its dimensions, in favor of Group L Experimental, the presence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre- and post-measurement of the self-control scale and its dimensions in favor of the post-measurement, the magnitude of the effect of the training program based on Mindfulness in the self-control of the experimental group significant effect, and the absence of statistically significant differences between the averages of the group scores Experimental in the dimensional and sequential measurements of the self-control scale and its dimensions, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-measurement of the mind wandering scale, in favor of the experimental group, and the presence of statistically significant differences Between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre- and post-measurements of the mind wandering scale, in favor of the post-measurement, the magnitude of the effect of the training program based on Mindfulness in reducing the mind wandering of the experimental group is a large effect, and the absence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the dimensional and consecutive measurements For the mind wandering scale.


Main Subjects

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