Mindfulness and its Relationship to Professional Stress of University Staff Members

Document Type : Original Article


mental health, faculty of education. el-minia university


. The aim of the current study was to identify the level of both mindfulness and professional stress among university staff members, the nature of the relationship between mindfulness and professional stress among the study sample, the nature of the differences in mindfulness with respect to the variable of gender the nature of specialization variable and the academic degree variable and the interaction between them, the nature of the differences in professional stress with its two dimensions that are due to gender variable and the nature of specialization variable  and the academic degree variable and the interaction between such variables, and the possibility of predicting professional stress through mindfulness of the university staff members. The main study sample consisted of (258). Findings of the current study showed that there is a relative rise in the mindfulness of the study participants, as well as a rise in their professional stress. In addition, a statistically significant negative correlation was found between mindfulness and professional stress among the study sample. Furthermore, there were not statistically significant differences in mindfulness that are due to the gender variable, the nature of specialization variable, as well as the academic degree variable, and no interaction between these variables appeared in the mindfulness of the study sample. Similarly, there were not statistically significant differences in the professional stress with its two dimensions which are due to gender variable, the variable of specialization nature as well as the academic degree variable


Main Subjects

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