Digital Academic Advising an approach to Developing Educational Performance for Assiut University Students: A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Foundations of Education and Assistant Educational Planning, Faculty of Education, Assiut University


The research aimed at determining the importance of digital academic advising and presenting a proposal to implement for developing academic performance among students at Assiut University, The research used the descriptive method. The participants consisted of (400) male and female Students from theoretical faculties of (Education and Society Work) and practical faculties (Science and Veterinary Medicine, who study with Credit Hours system)in Assuit University, The tool of research included a questionnaire to determining the importance of digital academic advising for students, It was prepared by researchers, the results showed that, the responses of the students on importance of "dimensions of digital academic advising" came at a moderate degree (mean=2.271), and  (SD=0.512), which indicates that students need to have this type of advising that provides them with many guiding, introductory, organizational, social and personal services that contribute to developing their academic performance, there are no statistically significant differences between the means of ranking scores of the students of digital academic advising importance due to gender (male and female) and  type of faculty (practical and theoretical). The responses of the staff members of faculities came on the nature of Digitalacademic advising that it is necessary to clarify its goals, tasks, methods of implementation, the standards of designing its website, and the needs of students.


Main Subjects


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