The Relationship between Cyber-Security Awareness and the National, Moral and Religious Values of Primary and Intermediate School Students in Taif

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor / Curricula and Methods of Teaching English Language / Taif University

2 Assistant professor in Curricula and Educational Techniques

3 Associate Professor of Psychology / Deanship of Supportive Studies / Taif University

4 Assistant professor of psychological counseling

5 Assistant professor Taif University


This research aims at exploring the degree of availability of cyber security awareness, values (national, moral and religious) among primary and intermediate school students in Taif, to explore the relationship between cyber security awareness and values, to reveal the possibility of predicting values through cyber security awareness, and finally to find out the differences between the response of the study sample on cyber security and values ​​according to (gender, school type, school stage, and the family's income).
The research sample consisted of (346) students; (105) of primary school and (241) of intermediate school; (160) students represent government schools and (186) represent language schools in Taif, of whom (143) were female, and (203) were male. The researchers prepared a scale for cyber security awareness and another scale for values​​ (national, moral, and religious) after reviewing the related studies, and they applied them to the research sample.
The results showed that the degree of availability of cyber security awareness among primary and intermediate school students was very high in the field of safe dealing with Internet browsing services in Taif, and the national, moral and religious values​​were also very high. A strong positive relationship was found between cyber security awareness and the values​, and national, moral and religious values ​​could be predicted through cyber security awareness. There were statically significant differences between student's response on cyber security awareness and the values​​due to the school stage in favor of primary school students, as well as in the family income in favor of high income. There were no statistically significant differences due to gender (male/female) or to the type of school (government / languages).
