The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program Based on School Media Activities in Adjusting the Attitudes of Ordinary Students Towards Their Peers With Special Needs who are included in General Education Schools

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Mental Health Psychological and Educational Sciences Department Faculty of Specific Education Mansoura University

2 Lecturer of Journalism Educational Mass Media Department Faculty of Specific Education Mansoura University


This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of a counseling program based on school media activities in adjusting the attitudes of ordinary students towards their peers with special needs who are included in general education schools.The research sample consisted of(18)students with age between(11-12)years with an average(11.61), a standard deviation (0.501),their IQ ranges between(90-105)with an average(96.55)and a standard deviation(4.203).They obtained the lower quadrants on the scale of ordinary attitudes toward people with special needs. The sample was divided into two equal groups (experimental and controlling), each of which consisted of(9)pupils.The study tools consisted of  a scale of attitudes of ordinary students towards their peers with special needs, and a counseling program based on school media activities to modify the attitudes of ordinary students towards their peers with special needs(both prepared by the two researchers).The researchers used the Mann-Whitney test for independent groups, the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for the associated groups to check the hypotheses, and the Eta-squared to calculate the program's impact strength.
The study found the effectiveness of the counseling program used to modify the attitudes of ordinary students towards their peers with special needs included in general education schools.
