Television and its impact on children's fees in late childhood (9 to 12 years)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD researcher at King Saud University


The aim of the research is to find out the extent of children's influence on television through their drawings, and to know the negative impact and positive impact that children acquire on TV, through their fees, and to know the extent of the impact of television on each year of late childhood (from 9 years to 12 years), through Children's drawings, the researcher used the quantitative descriptive analytical method with a content analysis method, and the researcher chose the projection graphics method represented in (story drawing test) as a diagnostic tool for the impact of visual media on children's drawings, and a tool was prepared for the analysis of children's drawings, and the most prominent results of the research Children rely heavily on TV to draw their anecdotal subjects. It was noted that television gives the child a visual culture, and this is illustrated by drawing elements that are not present in the surrounding environment, as well as drawing formal briefs from different environments.The negative impact of television lies largely in drawing morphological summaries indicating the phenomenon of violence, then negative concepts, then drawing tragic events. The positive effect of television appears in writing the vocabulary in Classical Arabic in a very large percentage, followed by drawing the formal summaries that indicate play, fun and sport. The research recommends Designing units of study that help develop creative imagination by stimulating what the child watches on TV.
