Level of 21st Century Skills among Students of the Special Education Department in the College of Education at King Faisal University

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, King Faisal University, School of Education, Special Education Department. P. O. Box 31982-ALhasa, Saudi Arabia.


The impulse beyond this study is to decide how much the level of 21st century skills is among students of the Special Education Department (SED) at King Faisal University (KFU). The researcher employed the descriptive analytic method in the survey to suit the nature of the study.  The study population is composed of all students of the SED at KFU. The study participants consisted of 65 students who were selected randomly from the SED. The questionnaire of the study was developed by the researcher with (80) items on 21st century skills, of five major components; overall sustainability, inventive thinking, effective communication, high productivity, and religious values, connected to the examination test. Results of the findings affirmed that the level of 21st century skills of the students was within the intermediate level, except for the religious value dimension, which was at a high level. The variables of specialization and the level of the academic year study in the level of 21st century skills were not statistically significant. The study recommends that educational institutions and educators should provide and promote the acquisition of new skills and knowledge to all learners to enable them to stay in the labor force.
