The Use of an electronic blog based on the theory Argumentation; for developing persuasive writing skills and self-efficacy among students of Arabic language teachers at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assoc.Prof. Of Curricula and Methods Of Teaching Arabic Language Faculty of Education – Alexandria University

2 Instructor of Curricula and Methods Of Teaching Arabic Language Faculty of Education – Alexandria


The current study problem is represented by the poor performance of university students in persuasive writing and self-efficacy,  The researchers used the two approaches: experimental, descriptive, and based on the quasi-experimental one-group design for determining persuasive writing skills, a form for determining the dimensions of self-efficacy in writing, a test of persuasive writing skills, and a measure of the dimensions of self-efficacy in writing among teacher students of Arabic language, and also prepared an electronic blog based on educational applications of Argumentation theory, they applied the study experience during the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019 to (60) male and female students, The results indicated that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of α ≥ 0.5 between the average scores of students in the two measurements: pre and post to test persuasive writing skills, and a measure of self- efficacy in writing , The results indicated that the effect size was high
         The study ended with a set of recommendations and suggestions, including: Providing training courses for Arabic language teachers during the service to train them on the use of an electronic blog based on the theory Argumentation to develop their language skills.
