Use manipulatives in teaching topology and the effect on developing visual thinking and attitude towards math for students in elementary stage

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of curricula and methods of teaching mathematics Women’s College Ain Shams University


This research aims to know the effect of using manipulatives in teaching topology for developing visual thinking and attitude towards math for students in elementary stage. The research adopts the one group experimental design. The research group consists of 43 students in fifth grade in elementary stage. The research tools are contained a questionnaire to determine concepts and relationships of  topology that should be taught to students in the elementary stage, student's book in topology, student worksheets, teacher’s guide for teaching topology by using manipulatives, visual thinking test and attitude towards math scale. The data analysis reveals that there is statistically significant difference between the mean score of the research group in the pre and post application of the visual thinking test and attitude towards math scale. Using manipulatives in teaching topology has a high effect on developing visual thinking and attitude towards math for students.
