Global models in the application of lean management in secondary education schools in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD researcher, Department of Foundations of Education - Girls College - Ain Shams University

2 Assistant Professor of Foundations of Education - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The study aimed to use lean management to overcome the waste faced by general secondary schools in Egypt, through some global models that used lean management, and lean management a modern management approach to overcome waste in secondary education schools, and the study addressed the general framework of the study, the theoretical foundations of management Lean in contemporary educational thought, the theoretical foundations for lean management in contemporary educational thought, and then clarified aspects of benefiting from global models in the application of lean management to reduce waste in general secondary education schools in Egypt, and the curriculum used is the descriptive analytical approach. Headed to several results, including maximizing the value of learning outcomes by reducing lean management to the percentage of waste in them, and the use of lean management helps to speed and accuracy in work at one time, and the study recommended the need to take into account the needs of the client (student - teacher - parents) to obtain value and overcome Wasting, and training educational and administrative leaders inside the school on the lean management method through conducting brainstorming sessions and discussion panels on applying the lean management method for all workers, with the participation of students and teachers in applying the method of quantitative statistical analysis to transform waste into numbers that are easy to deal with, and It is processed.
