Programming Errors Associated with Annotation Appearance both Embedded and Roll-over in Web- Based Learning Environment Resulting from Visual Basic Language Codes for Instruction and Information Technology Student

Document Type : Original Article



Web-based learning environments are concerned with making the learner the focus of the educational system, allowing the content to be presented in multiple styles and formats that allow the learner to select the content in the appropriate style. The annotation tools are one of  the main tools that increase learner interaction with educational content in most systems, There is almost no educational system on the web without a tool for comment or appendix, so the current research aims to know effect of two types of annotation  appearance (Embedded - Rollover) in web based learning on  visual basic programming errors for instructional and information technology students, In order to achieve this goal, the researcher developed two e-learning environments through the web, applied them to the students, reached several conclusions, and presented the relevant suggestions and recommendations.