Administrative Empowerment and Its Effect on Employment Satisfaction for Managers of Sectors in Ministry of Education in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article



The current research aimed to identify the nature of the empowerment, its characteristics and dimensions, the bases and the entrances that depend on it, the requirements that must be met for empowerment, the most important obstacles facing the managers of sectors and sections in implementing the empowerment approach. The importance of research is that it is an actual research in educational sciences that dealt with the dimensions of empowering managers as an input to educational reform. This is illustrated in two aspects: • The theoretical importance of the current research: It provides a theoretical framework that deals with the dimensions of empowering sector and departmental managers in the Ministry of Education and the theoretical entrances to the educational reform process to be the nucleus of comprehensive reform of the educational system in Kuwait as a whole. • Practical importance: It adds through its results to the educational field, especially the field of educational management some of the foundations on which the administrative empowerment depends, and the tools on which the reform is based.