The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program Based on Social Constructivism to Develop Future Thinking Skills and Motivation for Achievement for Secondary Stage Students

Document Type : Original Article



 The research aimed to discover the effectiveness of the proposed programme is based on social constructionist theory for the development of future thinking skills and motivation of achievement for first graders secondary students.   To achieve this objective, the researcher prepared the following tools Experimental tools The proposed program concluding  teacher's Guide , student book , proposed model in light of social constructivism , the list of future thinking skills and motivation of achievement dimensions list. measurement tools Future thinking skills test and motivation achievement scale. The sample of the study was (70) of first graders secondary students with one group experimental design, the researcher has tribal application to test future thinking skills and motivation achievement scale of on the Experimental group, Then the proposed programme is taught and then reapply tests postely, the application results showed a statistically a statistically significant between the average degree of the experimental group students in the pre and  post applications of future thinking test in favor of the post application , and also There is a statistically significant between the average degree of the experimental group students in the pre and  post applications of motivation achievement scale in favor of the post application