A sense of responsibility among secondary school students excelling; and non excelling; in the city of Abha

Document Type : Original Article


the El Hekma middle and high school


   This study aimed to determine the level of a sense of responsibility among secondary school students excelling and non excelling in the city of Abha. The researcher used the descriptive approach. The study sample included 20 students from excelling and (20) from non excelling; from the first row; and the second; and third; secondary; secondary school Ibn Uthaymeen; the city of Abha. The study included tools scale the sense of responsibility; (prepared by the researcher). The study results indicated that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.01) between the mean premise of society; the true mean of the sample; in the sense of responsibility and in favor of the research sample, which means the availability of a high sense of responsibility among students. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the sense of responsibility among the excelling and non excelling secondary students.
