Total quality management as an entry point to achieve competitive advantage in Saudi higher education institutions

Document Type : Original Article


King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah College of Science for Girls, Al-Faisaliah


The aim of the study is to study total quality management as an input to achieve the competitive advantage in Saudi institutions of higher education and the relationship between them, and the study used the descriptive approach, and the research was based on a questionnaire, distributed to (360) academics and administrators working in some institutions of higher education in the kingdom (number) (8). The study reached a number of results, the most prominent of which are: a direct relationship at the level of significance (0.05) between the reality of the application of total quality management on the one hand, and the competitive advantage on the other hand, and this means that the more applications of elements of total quality management, the higher the attitudes of higher education institutions in the Kingdom towards Achieve a competitive advantage.