A suggested theoretical vision for developing learning resource centers in Saudi Arabia schools

Document Type : Original Article


King Saud University - College of Education - Department of Educational Technologies


The study aimed to provide a suggested vision for developing learning resource centers in Saudi Arabia, and to achieve that, the study examined fourteen centers for learning resources in the following cities (Riyadh, Al-Quwayya, Al-Zulfi, Al-Kharj, Dammam) and included all stages - primary, intermediate and secondary -. The study used the descriptive approach, and the results of the study revealed that the reality of learning resource centers in Saudi Arabia is mixed and does not rise to the acceptable technical development. It also needs to develop the vision, goals to conform to the requirements of the current era and the requirements of modern learning, and to coincide with the general direction to achieve the vision of 2030 and the vision of the digital transformation 2020 adopted by the Ministry of Education. The result of the study was to present a proposed vision for developing the centers of learning resources through developing the executive and administrative tasks related to the educational field, as it focused on the distribution of tasks, the definition of powers and the identification of the required competencies to manage these resources.