the requirements of applying self -management approach to the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article



The main objective of the present study is to study the requirements of applying self management approach to the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait. The reseacher used the descriptive method to describe and character the features of the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait ,analyze the theoretical conceptual bases of self -management approach :its patterns ,levels,stages of application and the obstacles to its application in middle schools.  The also identifies the requirements of applying self management approach to the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait.  The researcher reached a set of requirements necessary to apply self management to the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait, These include the following: 1-Forming a common vision between school management and staff members affirming the partcipation of all parties in taking school decisions. 2-Flexibility of school managers in applying laws ,decisions and regulations
3-Creating  the suitable environment that encourages the societal participation as well as providing the necessary information needed to take decisions.  4-Establishing an information system that helps choose the best decision from the available alternatives and deals with problems in a scientific realistic way 5-The support of higher authorities respnsible for general education to applying self-management approach in the management of middle schools in the State of Kuwait.

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