A Proposed Perception for a Curriculum Based on Political Education for the Enhancement of some National Responsibility Skills among Sample Students from College of Education at the University of AlZulfi

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of the present study was to identify the level of a sample students' level of acquaintance with some skills of national responsibility. The sample students are the female students of the college of education at the university of Al-Zulfi. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the descriptive survey method. A questionnaire was prepared for this purpose, (300) students in the second semester of the year (1436-1437 AH). Based on the results of the study, a proposed vision was prepared for a curriculum based on political education to develop some of the national responsibility skills. The most prominent results were the following: students' awareness with the skills of national responsibilities was very weak, with very slight differences among the sample of the study in favor of the third and fourth year students. In addition, the proposed perception was based on a comprehensive description of the educational objectives, content, and a number of strategies that help deliver the course, as well as a variety of evaluation methods. This perception obtained a very high degree of agreement among members of the faculty for it achieved some skills of national responsibilities. In the light of the previous results, somerecommendations were suggested, including the importance of applying the proposed perception in this study, examining the feasibility of its effectiveness, its ability to develop national responsibility skills, and the need to allocate curricula for political education. It also recommends more focus on skills through focusing on the practical applications of the political education. The study concluded with a suggestion to conduct a study on the role of universities in raising political awareness and enhance skills of the national responsibility, and an analysis of the Saudi women's political awareness and the role of education in its development


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