The Differences of Level of Feeling Shyness among the High School Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools of Excellence in Jordan Dr. Worud Jamal Awwad Awamleh

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the level of feeling shyness among the high school gifted students and its differences according to gender, class and congenital arrangement variables. The study sample consisted of (218) students from the high school gifted students at King Abdullah II schools of excellence in Jordan, who were chosen randomly and representing the four regions: Amman, Salt, Zarqa, and Irbid. The researcher used the measurement of Shyness which consisted of (35) items and was prepared by the researcher after verifying its authenticity and persistence in the Jordanian environment. The results showed that the level of shyness among high school gifted students at King Abdullah II schools of excellence in Jordan is equivalent to the average grade. They also revealed the existence of differences in the level of feeling a shyness among the study sample due to the class variable for the benefit of the first secondary grade students category; the congenital arrangement variable for the benefit of the fourth to the sixth class category, whereas differences related to gender variable did not appear. The study recommended that the educational officials and decision-makers need to adopt supervision programs specialized in academic and professional fields, and offer them for the gifted students in a manner that contributes in training them on the methods of reducing the level of shyness and facing it so as to develop their motivation and invest it in their creative energies and abilities. It also recommended that there is aneed for carrying out comparative studies between the gifted and ordinary students in this domain.


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