Analysis of the spatial distribution of non-invested schools, optimal investment and rationalization of decision Educational Administration (an applied study using GIS analysis)

Document Type : Original Article



This study was to optimize the resources in these schools ،and to maximize the benefit of available resources ،which will reflect positively on the teaching-learning process. This study is based on analysis at the level of the school and its neighboring/surrounding schools resources. The methodology and mechanisms are used for building scenarios and alternatives related to schools ،the redistribution of their locations ،and solve problems resulting from lack of their best resources investment. The use of (MoE) Educational Management Information System (EMIS) ،and the analysis of metadata associated with spatial information of schools using Geographical Information System. The study found the number of schools to identify the number of students with population of fifty students or less ،and identified the ownership ،sex and stage of these schools. Also ،identified the number of students in each of these schools ،directorate affiliated ،and the districts to which they belong. The study recommends alternatives and scenarios in which they can re-distribute geographically of schools to solve the lack of investment resources problem.


Main Subjects