Factors Causing Parents Reluctance to Enroll their Children in Kindergarten in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ways of Overcoming from Their Viewpoints in the Light of some Variables

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood, College of Education, King Saud University


The current study aimed to explore the factors causing parents’ reluctance to enroll their children in the kindergarten institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and ways of overcoming from their point of view. The study used the descriptive method and utilized a questionnaire for collecting data which was administered to a sample consisting of (260) parents distributed according to the variables of (gender / educational level / economic level). The results attained indicated that the approval of the study participants on the administrative factors contributing to their reluctance to enroll their children in kindergarten came at a high degree, as well as the factors related to the teacher and factors related to the kindergarten environment and factors related to kindergartens. All such factors came with a high degree, as the results indicated that there were differences in the responses of the study participants due to the gender variable in favor of males, as well as the presence of differences in the responses of the study sample due to the variable of the educational level in favor of intermediate education compared to university education and higher education. There were statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample attributed to the variable of the economic level in favor of middle-income compared to high-income, as the study sample agreed on the proposed ways to overcome the factors contributing to the reluctance of parents to enroll their children in kindergarten.
