A suggested program based on discourse analysis and its effectiveness of developing higher listening comprehension skills in Arabic language for first-year secondary students.

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Curriculum and Instruction - Faculty of Graduate studies for Education - Cairo university


The research aims to develop higher listening comprehension skills for first year secondary school students by using a suggested program based on discourse analysis.
 To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared a questionnaire of higher listening comprehension skills, a test of higher listening comprehension, and a program based on discourse analysis.
 The researcher chooses one research group, consisting of thirty-one students, was selected from the Minya Al-Hayit Secondary School, Itsa Educational Administration, Fayoum Governorate.
The research found that the female students ’higher scores in post-performance in the higher listening comprehension skills test than their scores in pre- performance in the test as a whole and in each of his skills , in favor of post.
 In the light of the results of the research, the researcher recommends developing higher listening comprehension skills at all educational levels, because these skills make the learner able to distinguish the audio material, and to analyze and criticize it, and also recommends using discourse analysis in the development of Arabic language skills.
