Total quality management in some institutions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia"A field study"

Document Type : Original Article


University of Business and Technology - Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The research aims to determine the extent of the knowledge of workers in some institutions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the concept of total quality management, and to know the extent to which senior management in some institutions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supports the philosophy of total quality management, and to know the extent of the involvement of senior management in some institutions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for workers in the decision-making stages Different. This research relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the number of employees in some institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whose number is (500) employees, and the researcher has chosen a stratified random sample of (100) workers, and used the questionnaire as a research tool, and the questionnaire included (24 words), divided It is divided into two parts: the first section: basic data for the individuals in the research sample. As for the second section: It includes three axes, namely: The first axis: the concept of total quality management among workers in some Saudi institutions, and it includes (8 phrases). The second axis: the support of senior management in some Saudi institutions for the philosophy of Total Quality Management, which includes (8 phrases). The third axis: the extent to which senior management is involved in some Saudi institutions for workers at different decision-making stages, and includes (8 phrases). Descriptive statistics were used, such as iterations, percentages, averages, and relative weight, and the Alpha Cronbach test.
