Governance in the College of Education at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University from the viewpoint of faculty members

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Planning, College of Education, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia. Director of the King Abdullah Center for Contemporary Islamic Studies and Dialogue of Civilizations.


The present study has aimed at exploring the application of governance at the Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University’s Faculty of Education, from the point of view of the faculty’s teaching staff. It has also sought to investigate the obstacles in the path of applying governance and the requirements needed to implement it.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher has used the descriptive, survey method which relies on the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of data and facts.
Several significant results have been reached by the study. It has been found that the overall average of responses to the dimension of empowerment from the point of view of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Education at the Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University was (3.24), its standard deviation is (1.41), and the prevalent response was (Neutral). This indicates that the participants in the study agree, in an average degree, to have governance applied at the faculty. From the point of view of the teaching staff, the degree of transparency enjoyed by the faculty is average, with the overall average of responses to this dimension reaching (3.34), its standard deviation (1.14), and the prevalent response was (Neutral). This indicates that the participants in the study agree, in an average degree, to the application. The obstacles to the application of governance, from the point of view of the teaching staff, were huge: the overall average of responses was (3.54), its standard deviation was (1.19), and the prevalent response was (Agree). The participants also considerably agree that there are requirements needed to apply governance: the overall average of responses to this dimension was (3.89), its standard deviation is (0.97), and the prevalent response was (Agree). This indicates that the participants agree that there are requirements necessary to apply governance at the Faculty of Education at the Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.
