A program to improving reading disabilities and its impact on Self-Esteem for primary school students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher PhD - Educational Psychology - Girls College of Arts, Sciences and Education - Department of Psychology

2 Professor and head of Psychology department Education Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education Ain Shams University

3 Professor of Special Education Faculty of Education Ain Shams University


This study aimed to provide a training program for the treatment to improve the reading disabilities of children in primary school and its impact on improving their self-esteem. The program is designed to give children the basic skills needed to read words accurately and easily, thus contributing to their learning and take advantage of their potential. The study sample consisted of (20) boys and girls (Second and third primary grades) with reading disabilities who suffer from poor self- esteem. Divided into two groups (experimental group and control group). It was taken into consideration that the age group of 6-9 years, and to ensure that the difficulties of reading the subject of their research is a neurology and not due to lack of training or experience, and that they are not bringing any behavioral problems according to the reports of their teachers, as well as they do not suffer From any mental, sensory, physical, or motor impairment, or any environmental, social, economic or cultural deficiencies. Besides, parity was achieved between the two groups in the age, intelligence level, reading difficulties and self-esteem. The results showed the effectiveness of the training program, which in turn contributed to the treatment of reading disabilities in children, resulting the improvement of the level of self-esteem in these children.
