Activating education on digital citizenship In The Second Cycle of Basic Education in Egypt in the light of foreign countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher for a master’s degree in education (Fundamentals of Education), Department of Fundamentals of Education, Girls College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University

2 Professor Of Foundations Of Education Faculty Of women For Arts, Sciences and Education Ain Shams University

3 Lecture Of Foundations Of Education Faculty Of women For Arts, Sciences and education. Ain Shams University


Present a proposed vision to activate education on digital citizenship in Egypt in the light of foreign countries ’experiences, and to achieve that goal the study examined the theoretical frameworks for the concept of digital citizenship education and recent developments, and the study reviewed the experiences of Australia, South Korea and India in activating education on digital citizenship in schools through the role of each (school principal - teacher - student - educational curricula - educational activities) to take advantage of Successful experiences in this field, and the study used the descriptive approach with reliance on the ethnographic entrance where providing analytical and descriptive content through in-depth research based on foresight (through observation with participation and living with the study sample), and provides a critical physiological analysis of the reality of the school not from the expert’s viewpoint, And educational policy makers, but rather a realistic analysis from within the educational reality through the actual participants and practitioners in the educational process, including the student, the teacher, and the guardian, and this makes us more able to understand education, and puts a proposed vision to activate the school's role in education on digital citizenship in light of the experiences of some countries,
