A proposed scenario to overcome the obstacles of administrative communication in primary schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of contemporary educational supervision trends

Document Type : Original Article


School agent at the Royal Commission in Yanbu - Saudi Arabia


The current study aimed to identify the proposed perception of overcoming obstacles to administrative communication between secondary school principals and teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of contemporary educational supervision trends, and the researcher used the descriptive research approach in order to suit the nature of this research, as it enables him to describe what is in place and understand educational phenomena and collect Facts and information, identifying and deriving relationships between all educational phenomena, and the results of the study showed through theoretical literature and previous studies and the researcher's experience in the field as a primary school agent in the schools of the Royal Commission in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia That is the lack of communication process and communication administrative and poor human relations between the sender and the future through bulletins, directives and meetings there are also obstacles to administrative communication in terms of sex, whether male or female, and in terms of educational level as well as years of experience, both for managers or teachers.
