Developing the Preparation of Educational Researcher in the faculties of Education in Egypt Light of Japan Experience

Document Type : Original Article


1 A Demonstrator of the Foundations of Education

2 Professor of Foundations of Education Faculty of Women-AinShams University

3 Assistant Professor of Foundation of Education Faculty of Women- Ain Shams University


This study aims to developing the preparation of the educational researcher in Egypt and Japan experience in preparation the educational researcher ,It the study used the systems descriptive method, and the study reached a number of proposals, the most important of them: the necessity of paying attention to the weight of his research skills to prepare research cadres in the various disciplines that society needs, universities and research centers must be prepared to enter the era of informatics and knowledge societies in pursuit of quality and excellence, low interest in the level of students who accept postgraduate studies, and not to adopt a system of conducting measurement tests to reveal the students intellectual and research skills and that is before his registration for final degree, the weakness of the budget for scientific research in Egypt, the weak relationship between the university and production and services institutions, which led to aweak interest in practicing research and development activity, whether in universities or production and services institutions, the weak level of scientific qualification for a graduate student in terms of his lack of theoretical knowledge and applied scientific skills necessary to complete the study at its higher levels, the low level of performance of research centers with regard to quantitative and qualitative research and thus their apparent inability to produce knowledge at the global level of research, expand opportunities for public, private and civil society participation in supporting scientific research, reconsidering the system of preparing the educational researcher in the light of the national strategy for scientific research, contribute to marketing the results of scientific research.
