Quality Assurance and Accreditation as an Approach for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Egyptian Universities

Document Type : Original Article


1 A Demonstrator in Foundations of Education Department Faculty of Women - Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Foundations of Education Faculty of Women Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Foundations of Education Faculty of Women Ain Shams University


The research aims to define the conceptual framework for quality assurance and accreditation in universities in light of the presentation of the origins of quality and its concept, the concept of quality assurance in university education institutions, and the reference to the concept of accreditation and its types in university, The concept of competitive advantage and the most important competitive strategies that support the excellence of institutions and then move to present the nature of competitive advantage, and identify the most important pillars of achieving educational institutions, including university inputs (human resources - material resources - technological structure) and strategic options, and university outcomes (scientific research- graduates),The research reached to reveal the relationship between the application of quality assurance and accreditation standards and the achievement of a competitive advantage in light of the specific criteria in question. The research was based on the descriptive approach as it fits with the nature of the research.
