Educational requirements for the employment of electronic educational platforms in the educational process in the secondary stage from the point of view of educational supervisors and teachers with education of graduation

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed at identifying (the general, human and technological structure requirements) to use E-learning platforms in the education process of the secondary school from the point of view of supervisors and teachers in Kharj Education. Descriptive survey used .Questionnaire was applied on sample consists of 69 educational supervisors and 206 teachers at the secondary school . The study found that all educational requirements (general requirements, human and technical infrastructure requirements) to employ e-learning platforms in the educational process from the point of view of educational supervisors and teachers in the education of graduates are highly important, including (development of self-learning skills, teacher fluent in dealing with the computer and its various accessories) Internet applications, high-speed Internet access, lay-out tutorials within the system for students to retrieve at any time and that the degree of achievement of all educational requirements (general requirements, human and technical infrastructure requirements) for the use of e-learning platforms in the secondary education process from the point of view of educational supervisors and teachers in education Kharj achieved a low degree Including the provision of incentives to teachers when using e-learning platforms, programmers design, development and technical support for elearning platforms, the installation of a digital educational studio for the recording of in-school tutorials and live broadcast, containing electronic labs for scientific materials (chemistry, physics, biology, Computer).


Main Subjects