Degree of the students of the Faculty of Education and Literature at the University of Tabuk for the skills of future thinking

Document Type : Original Article



The present study aims at determining the degree to which the students of the Faculty of Education and Literature at the University of Tabuk possessed the skills of the future thinking. The study was based on the descriptive descriptive approach ،and a measure of the skills of the future thinking was developed. It consisted of 23 paragraphs divided into four main skills: future planning ،problem solving Future ،future imagination ،and future expectations. The study sample consisted of (193) male and female students from the Faculty of Education and Arts at Tabuk University. The T-test was used to compare the responses of the study subjects according to the gender variable. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the responses of the study subjects according to variables (years of experience in education ،level of study). The results of the study showed that the students of the College of Education and Arts have a high level of future thinking skills in general ،and the degree to which they possess both my skill (future planning and future problem solving) to a high degree. While the degree of possession of both (future fantasy skill and future expectation) is medium. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree to which the students of the Faculty of Education and Literature possessed the skills of the future thinking ingeneral and in all the major skills attributed to the gender variable. There were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the degree to which they possessed the skills of future thinking in general and skill (Future problem solving ،and future visualization) depending on the level of study and for the students of the master stage compared with both (bachelor students and students of educational diploma). There are also statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the degree of possession of students of the Faculty of Education and Literature for the skills of future thinking in the skill of the future imagination only depending on the variable number of years of experience and for the benefit of individuals with medium and high experience compared to individuals who did not practice the profession of teaching .


Main Subjects