The Degree to Which the School leaders of Al Baha District Practice Self-Management and its Relationship to Teachers' Participation in Decision-Making from their Point of View

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the Degree of Practicing  School – based management by School leaders in ALbaha and its Relation with the participation of teachers in decision making from their point of view,The study sample consisted of(342) teachers,researcher has used the Correlative descriptive approach, and a questionnaire to collect data from a sample study, The results showed that:the degree of school leaders inAL Baha Area practice for School-based management was high with mean of (4.03),And there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance(α =0.05)due to the variables of the educational stage and years of experience in favor of the intermediate stage and with years of experience (less than 10 years),And there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance(α =0.05) due to School Location,also the results showed that the degree of participation teachers in decision makingwas high with mean of (4.00),And there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level(α≤0.05) inparticipation teachers in decision making  due tothe variables of the educational stage and school location, There were statistically significant differences at the significance level(α ≤ 0.01) in participation teachers in decision making  due to the variableYears of experience for teachers with years of experience (less than 10 years),The results of the study also showed a statistically significant relationship at the significance level (α = ≤ 0.05)between the degree to which the leaders of Albaha schools are School-based management and the degree for teachers participate in decision-making, The study recommends:give school leaders more authority to make appropriate  suitable educational decisions,Involvement of school leaders in decision-making at the level of education departments, which supports the success of the decision .


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