Effectiveness of a training program in development self-regulated learning skills and achievement of measurement and evaluation course of female university students

Document Type : Original Article



Training leads to improving the quality of learning by improving and developing the learner's skills as an active component in the educational process, so the The purpose of the current research  is to investigates the effectiveness of a training program in developing self- regulated learning skills (Academic self-motivation; goal setting; planning for learning; remembering and listening; Monitoring; organizing the environment and time of study; searching for information) and improving  the achievement level of participants in research in the measurement and evaluation course. The participants of the study were (30) students sevens level Special education department at Faculty of Education – University of Jeddah. A self-organized learning scale and achievement test were applied to them in the measurement and evaluation course, and their psychometric properties were verified by appropriate methods .They were trained in self- regulated learning skills through seven modules over a period of seven weeks. The semi-experimental design was used in the pre- and post-measurement design of the experimental group. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research participants in the pre-test and post-test  of self- regulated learning skills to the post test and There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre-test and post-  test  of in the achievement test to the post test.
In the light of the results, the study recommended training the university staff members to prepar instructional programs based on self-regulated learning strategies; also it is necessity to prepar a course in self- regulated learning skills for university students.


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