The Effectiveness of the Behavioral Cognitive Therapy Program in Reducing the Severity of Acquired Disability and Improving the Selfefficacy of a Sample of University Students with Physical Disability.

Document Type : Original Article



The aim of the current study was to identify the correlation between the acquired disability and the self-efficacy of a sample of university students with physical disability, as well as the effectiveness of a therapeutic program based on the theory of cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing the acquired disability behaviors and improving self-efficacy among a sample of university students with physical disability. The main sample of the study consisted of (12) Minia University students with physical disability. The study instruments included the scale of acquired physical disability, the scale of self-efficacy for students with physical disability, in addition to the therapeutic program that consisted of (16) sessions, in which the techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy were used. The experimental design of the therapeutic program relied on the one group design (pre-post-measurement). The findings indicated that there is a negative correlation between the acquired disability and self-efficacy, and confirmed the effectiveness of the behavioral cognitive therapy program in the reduction of the severity of the acquired disability behaviors and in the improvement of self-efficacy among university students with physical disability. As the findings confirmed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores obtained by the students with physical disability on the pre- and post- measurement of the acquired disability scale, as well as on the scale of self-efficacy in favor of the post- measurement. In addition, the findings of the follow-up measurement conducted two months after the end of the therapeutic program confirmed the continuing impact of the program on the study sample.


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