Educational Employment of cosmic verses in the Holy Qur'an (analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


دکتوراه – قسم التربیة الاسلامیة والمقارنه - کلیة التربیة- جامعة أم القرى- المملکة العربیة السعودیة


The study  aimed to clarify the concept of cosmic verses in the Holy Qur'an, and describe the reality of the  their employment  in  science courses at the secondary level, with surrounding of  educational employment of  cosmic verses in the  Holy Qur'an in science courses and their educational  effects  in analysis  the content of science courses at the secondary level.
This study relied on a content analysis methodology, where a sample was taken from the science curricula at the secondary level for the curriculum system. A set of statistical methods were used to analyze the data.
The study population consisted of science books  (physics, chemistry -Biology) at the secondary level in the Ministry of Education schools in Saudi Arabia for credits system .
The study sample consists of (3) books, from science courses, at the secondary level, to the curriculum system, which are: Biology (1), Chemistry (1), Ecology.
The study included five chapters: Chapter One: Study Plan, Chapter Two: The concept of verses cosmic in the Holy Qur'an, Chapter Three: The content analysis of science courses of the secondary stage of credits system, Chapter Four: present the results of the content analysis of science courses at the secondary stage of credits system, Chapter Five: Study Conclusion (study harvest).
Study Findings:
1. It turns out that  the old Muslim Scholars interested  in  the explanation,  research and  studying cosmic verses, which  resulting in many of researches  and innovation which led to the appearance of a lot of contemporary innovations,  also the study clarified that  The reason of their  ingenuity they considered that the search in the verses cosmic and learning in various fields bring them closer to Allah.
2. It turns out  that the highest areas of the employment  cosmic verses in the Holy  Qur'an in the content of science courses at the secondary level came in general in favor of  The area of consolidation of faith in Allah, then followed by the field of induction on the research and development of science and knowledge, followed by the area of ​​ Sensing the greatness of the Creator, while the field of post skeptics it has the least.
3. It turns out that the most important course  of science that  employment cosmic verses in the  Holly Quran at high school in credits system was in favor of Chemistry course  (1) by (18.7%), followed by physics course (1) by (18.2%), then ecology course by ( 17.1), followed by chemistry course (3) by (16.7%), followed by biology course (1) by (16.2%), and then finally the astronomy course by (13.1%), and this shows that the chemistry course (1) is more courses that  employers cosmic verses in the Holy Qur'an.


Main Subjects