Administrative and Professional Competence of Faculty Members in The Light of Quality of Education from The Student’s Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Educational Administration (Department of Higher Education) - Shaqra University - Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to identify the administrative and professional competence of faculty members in the light of quality of education from the student’s point of view at the Faculty of Science and Humanities in Huraymila Province, Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia.
The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool for his study, additionally, he used the descriptive analytical method. The study population consisted of all students of the faculty, males and females with the total number of (2669). The study was applied in the second semester of the Academic Year 1439/1440 H on a random sample of all specialties by 20,16%. A total of 538 male and female students, including 300 male and 238 female students.
The study concluded to several results, the most important of which are:
1-    The opinions of the respondents of the study showed that (Professional Competence) achieved the highest rates of faculty members significantly with an average of (3,88), followed by (Administrative Efficiency) with an average of (3.66), followed by (Evaluation Methods) with also an average of (3,63).
2-    The results of the study sample showed that three statements in the administrative efficiency axis achieved a medium degree (Implement with the college awareness campaigns serving the community in hygiene and health) with an average of (2,86).


Main Subjects

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