Professional development of the faculty member in the field of community service in light of Vision 2030 (A field study on Shaqra University)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Foundations of Education- Faculty of Science and Humanities - Shaqra University - Saudi Arabia


This study aimed to show the reality of professional development programs of the faculty in the field of community service from the viewpoint of the faculty members at the University of Shaqra in light of Vision 2030; with the identification of the proposed professional development methods, methods of evaluation and the most important obstacles encountered. The descriptive survey method and a questionnaire were used in this study. The faculty members of the University of Shaqra represented the study population. Results showed that the faculty agreed on all items related to professional development programs offered to faculty in the field of community service identified by the researcher in 7 areas except the item of the development of the ability to deal with deviant thought that came in the neutral category. The faculty agreed to all the methods proposed as well as methods of evaluation. As for the constraints, the item related to inconsistency between the teaching lecture times and the professional development programs available came first, followed by the item of multiplicity of committees and tasks to be accomplished by the faculty, followed by the heavy burden of the faculty member. There were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the faculty in all axes of the questionnaire due to differences in colleges, specializations, degree and college location, except in some axes. There were no statistically significant differences according to the college location in the number of participants in community service according to differences in degree in getting training courses in community service. There were statistically significant differences according to the college location in obtaining training courses in the field of community service according to the degree in the number of participants in community service.


Main Subjects

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