Practice of Transformational Leadership among the Heads of Academic Departments at Al Baha University from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members

Document Type : Original Article


1 Coordinator of Guidance and Counselling Unit and Follow-up Official at Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qilwah, Al Baha university

2 Professor, Department of Eductiaonal Administration and Planning, College of Education, Al-Baha University


The study aimed to explore the practice degree among the heads of academic departments of transformational leadership at Al Baha University from the viewpoint of faculty members. It also aimed to find out if there are statistically significant differences at the level 0.05 among the practices of department heads on the transformational leadership dimensions: (ideal effect, inspirational motivation, intellectual arousal, individual considerations), attributed to the variables of gender, years of experience and scientific degree from the viewpoints of faculty members at Al-Baha University. The descriptive analytical approach was used in this study. The study community included a total number of 1675 of faculty members in Al-Baha University according to the number of faculty members issued by Al-Baha University in the academic year (1440/2019). This number was identified according to a letter addressed to facilitate the research procedures at six faculties in which there are 474 faculty members according to the deanship of Teaching Staff Affairs at Al - Baha University. The main findings of the study are: There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the responses of the study participants in the extent to which the heads of academic departments at Al-Baha University practice the transformational leadership dimensions in favour of female participants. The study also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the responses of the study participants in the extent to which the heads of academic departments at Al-Baha University practice the transformational leadership dimensions due to the years of experience variable. The study also referred that there are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the responses of the study participants in the extent to which the heads of academic departments at Al-Baha University practice the transformational leadership dimensions due to the scientific degree variable.


Main Subjects

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