The effect of incorporating parts of the "Kurt" program in the content of the social studies subject on the achievement, Inferential thinking, and national sense among students in the preparatory stage

Document Type : Original Article



Title of study: The impact of integrating parts of the "Kurt" program in the content of social studies on the development of achievement and reasoning and national sense among students in the preparatory stage                                                                                          The study aims to identify the impact of integrating parts of the Kurt  program in the content of social studies on the development of achievement and reasoning and national sense among the pupils of the preparatory stage. Choosing the school intentionally to achieve the objectives of the study,  The researcher followed the experimental educational method, where the researcher prepared a test for the two units of study and a test of reasoning skills and a measure of national sense were applied after verification of charity and stability, and the results showed a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the mean scores of the study group students in the tribal application The study recommended the importance of incorporating Kurt skills in teaching history.


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