The relationship between impulsivity and academic self-efficacy for the mentally-impaired with learning disabilities

Document Type : Original Article



Abstract :
The aim of the current study to reveal the relationship between the impulsivity and academic self-efficacy of the mentally gifted students with learning disabilities ,and to identify the extent of  impulsivity and academic self-efficacy among students mentally superior different people with  learning disabilities according to type (male, female) As well as to identify the extent of the diffusion impulsivity and academic self-efficacy of the mentally gifted students with learning disabilities according to the educational level of parents. The research sample consisted of (30) students of the mentally challenged with (15) males, (15) females The tools of the study consisted of John Raven's intelligence test. And test the difficulties of reading comprehension by Khairi Al-Maghazi (1998), Economic, Social and Cultural Questionnaire Prepared by Mohammed Saffan and Doaa Khattab (2017), Neuroscience Test Prepared by Abdul Wahab Kamel (1998), And the scale impulsivity prepared by the researcher, And the scale of the academic self-efficacy of Albert Pandora Arabization Majid Osman Walid Khalifa (2009), The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between the grades of the students on the impulsivity scale and their scores on the academic self-efficacy scale There were statistically significant differences between pupils' scores on the impulse scale according to gender variable (males, females) for males, There were no statistically significant differences between the students' grades on the academic self-efficacy scale according to gender variable (males, females) There were no statistically significant differences between the grades of the students on the impulsivity scale and the educational level of the parents, There were statistically significant difference between the students' grades on the academic self-efficacy level and the educational level of the parents.      


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