Kindergartner treatment with respect by the teacher and its relation with mind habits in learning situations

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to identify the (ways of respectful treatment of kindergartner from the teacher's perspective, and to reveal the relationship between ways of respectful treatment of kindergartner and kindergartner's mind habits used in learning situations). The researcher used the descriptive approach with both its analytical and correlational sides. She designed two tools which are (a scale of treating kindergartner with respect by the teacher, and a form to note the mind habits in learning). The study community consisted of teachers and children in the kindergarten of Princess Nura bint Abdulrahman University. The study sample was represented in a random sample of teachers and kindergartners with a number of (20) teachers and (27) kindergartners. The study concluded a set of results, most notably is the following:
Results showed that the sample teachers always treat kindergartners with respect. It also revealed that kindergartners in the kindergarten of Princess Nura bint Abdulrahman always use the dimensions of mind habits in learning situations. Results revealed that there is a statically significant positive correlation between the ways of respectful treatment of kindergartner and the mind habits used in learning situations and its dimension.


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